Loại hình

Khu vực

Mức giá

Trạng thái

Loại hình

Khu vực

Mức giá

Trạng thái

Tu Son & Đai Đong, Tien Du, Bac Ninh


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  • Diện tích:
  • Hoàn thành: 26/07/2024
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Project description

VSIP Bac Ninh Industrial Park is the leading green and modern industrial park in Bac Ninh province. It is an investment location chosen by large corporations such as PEPSICO and MICROSOFT.

VSIP Bac Ninh Industrial Park (full name is Vietnam - Singapore Industrial, Urban and Service Park) was approved for investment policy on June 4, 2007 in Document No. 676/TTg-CN of the Prime Minister. Prime Minister. Accordingly, VSIP Bac Ninh industrial park is invested by Vietnam - Singapore Limited Liability Joint Venture Company on a total area of ​​700 hectares including industrial park (area of ​​500 hectares) and urban and service area ( area of ​​200 hectares). At the same time, Vietnam - Singapore Bac Ninh Industrial Park was officially added to the planning list of industrial parks in Vietnam.

VSIP Bac Ninh Industrial Park was approved for detailed construction planning at 1/2000 scale (now subdivision planning) on ​​November 6, 2007 in Decision No. 1501/QD-UBND of Bac Ninh Provincial People's Committee and adjusted. Zoning planning at 1/2000 scale in Decision No. 57/QD-UBND dated January 29, 2018 of the People's Committee of Bac Ninh province. According to the approved and adjusted 1/2000 scale zoning plan, up to now, VSIP Bac Ninh Industrial Park has an overall planning area of ​​635 hectares (a decrease of 65 hectares compared to the originally planned area). including 485 hectares of industrial park and 150 hectares of urban area. Of which, the area of ​​industrial land for lease is 344.3147 hectares (accounting for 70.99% of the industrial park area).

Total area: 635 hectares
Address: Dinh Bang ward, Phu Chan commune, Tu Son city and Dai Dong commune, Tien Du district
Investor: VSIP-IP-BN
Operational period: June 2057 - Establishment date: June 2007
Price: 200 USD/m2 Rental price does not include VAT
Construction density (%): 60 (%)
Fill rate: Fill rate: 100%



VSIP Bac Ninh II Industrial Park (or Yen Phong II-B Industrial Park) was formerly known as Yen Phong II Industrial Park-phase 1 with Song Da Construction Joint Stock Company (SICO) as the investor according to the Certificate of Investment registration certificate No. 21221.000202 issued by Bac Ninh Industrial Zones Management Board on December 30, 2008.

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Vị trí dự án

Regarding regional connectivity, VSIP Bac Ninh II Industrial Park has a planned location located on the administrative boundaries of Hoa Tien commune, Tam Giang commune and Cho town, Yen Phong district, Bac Ninh province. The North and East are adjacent to residential areas, the West is adjacent to Hanoi - Thai Nguyen Expressway (National Highway 3), the South is adjacent to National Highway 18, so the Industrial Park has a convenient traffic connection location:

  • - 22 km from Bac Ninh city center
  • - 43 km from Hanoi city center
  • - 18 km from Noi Bai international airport
  • - 155 km from Lach Huyen Port
  • - 12 km from Samsung Bac Ninh factory

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Giá trị nhà đất (tỷ VNĐ)
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Thời hạn vay (Tháng)
Lãi suất %/Năm
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