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Khu vực

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Trạng thái

Thanh pho Hai Phong

DEEP C Industrial Park Dinh Vu - Hai Phong


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  • Completed: 26/07/2024
  • Remaining apartments:

Project description

Deep C Industrial Park (Dinh Vu) is a general industrial park planned to attract investment projects in the fields of heavy industry, light industry, and petrochemical industry.

Deep C Hai Phong Industrial Park (also known as Dinh Vu Industrial Park) was established on April 2, 1997 with the investor Dinh Vu Industrial Park Joint Stock Company, this is an industrial park project with The first foreign capital element in Hai Phong city (Dinh Vu Industrial Park Joint Stock Company has 75% of shares owned by foreign shareholders, 25% of shares are managed by Hai Phong City People's Committee). state capital contribution). The project has a total planning area of ​​541.46 hectares and is implemented in 02 phases.

Phase 1: Has an area of ​​164 hectares, investment approval and construction started in 1997. Dinh Vu Industrial Park phase 1 has a total investment capital of 79.93 million USD with the nature of a total industrial park. (heavy industry, light industry, chemical-petrochemical) and built a system of liquid cargo ports and seaports directly in the industrial park.

Phase 2: Has a planning area of ​​377.46 hectares (of which 294.73 hectares of industrial land), approved detailed planning at 1/2000 scale in Decision No. 774/QD-BXD dated November 11 /05/2006 of the Ministry of Construction, approved detailed planning at 1/500 scale in Decision No. 2278/QD-UBND dated March 3, 2010 of Hai Phong City People's Committee. Dinh Vu Industrial Park phase 2 has a total investment capital of 88 million USD and is characterized as a heavy industrial park, light industrial park, chemical industry, and petrochemical industry. 
On October 3, 2012, the Prime Minister approved the general planning of Dinh Vu - Cat Hai Economic Zone until 2025, according to which Dinh Vu industrial park is one of the industrial parks planned in the subdivision. tariffs of Dinh Vu - Cat Hai economic zone. Thanks to being planned within the economic zone boundary, Dinh Vu Industrial Park (Deep C I Hai Phong) enjoys the best tax incentive policies to help attract domestic and foreign investment projects. foreign.

In terms of nature, Deep C Industrial Park is planned as a multi-industry industrial park, which mainly focuses on attracting investment projects in the fields of components for the renewable energy industry; Manufacture of automobiles and spare parts; Chemical and petrochemical industry; Heavy industry; Supporting industry; Warehousing and logistics service industries.

Project: DEEP C Industrial Park (Dinh Vu) - Hai Phong
Total area: 541.46ha
Address: Hai Phong City
Investor: DEEPC I - IP - HAI PHONG
Operational period: June 2058 - Establishment date: June 2008
Price: 125 USD/m2 Price does not include VAT
Construction density (%): 60 (%)
Fill rate: Fill rate: 99%



Over 24 years of establishment and development, DEEP C has continuously expanded to three industrial parks in Hai Phong and two industrial parks in Quang Ninh, forming the DEEP C Industrial Park Complex with an area of ​​3,400 hectares. at the center of the region's infrastructure and manufacturing development, with close proximity to international airports, deep-water ports and highway systems.


Project location

Regarding regional connectivity, Deep C Industrial Park is directly connected to Dinh Vu ports, Hai Phong international gateway port (Lach Huyen deep water port) and conveniently connected to the Ha Noi expressway exit. Noi - Hao Phong, fully converging favorable traffic factors of both road, air and sea. Specifically, Deep C industrial park:

  • - 23 km from Lach Huyen port; adjacent to Dinh Vu port; 43 km from Cai Lan port
  • - 12 km from Hai Phong city center
  • - 120 km from Hanoi city center
  • - 10 km from Cat Bi airport; 140 km from Noi Bai international airport
  • - 30 km from LG Hai Phong factory

Design style

Giỏ hàng Mã sản phẩm Loại sản phẩm Đường Tòa Tầng Hướng Square Trạng thái Giá Chi tiết

Loan interest calculation

Giá trị nhà đất (tỷ VNĐ)
Tỷ lệ vay (%)
Thời hạn vay (Tháng)
Lãi suất %/Năm
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DEEP C Industrial Park Dinh Vu - Hai Phong

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