Operating regulations




I. General principles


WESALE Group Joint Stock Company with Business Code: 0110375724, first registered on June 3, 2023 issued by the Business Registration Office - Hanoi Department of Planning and Investment. The company has operated the Wesale.vn website since June 2022.


Login address for Buyers: https://wesale.vn/


Login address for Seller: https://wesale.vn/user/login?destination=node/add/property




Wesale system is operated and developed by WESALE Group Joint Stock Company. This is a comprehensive real estate business connection platform for real estate brokers and related fields.


Traders, organizations and individuals participating in real estate agreement and transaction activities on the Wesale system freely and voluntarily agree on the basis of respecting legitimate rights and interests, not contrary to regulations. under the law.


Real estate products/projects posted on the Wesale system must fully meet relevant legal regulations and must have clear and transparent legal documents. Traders, organizations and individuals participating in trading activities must comply with the provisions of the Law on Consumer Protection and are responsible for all issues related to the products they provide. At the same time, traders, organizations, and individuals who are sellers must ensure full legal status according to the provisions of the Real Estate Business Law, ensuring rights and obligations regarding real estate products/projects. property that you have the right to use.


All contents in this Regulation comply with the current legal system of Vietnam. Members participating in the Wesale system must learn about their legal responsibilities according to current Vietnamese law and commit to complying with the contents of the Regulations of the Wesale system.


II. General rules


System domain name: Wesale.vn


Seller (in some cases lessor): is a trader, organization or individual who wants to use Wesale's services to register an account and post real estate for sale/rent ads on the website. Wesale website. For Sellers who are distributors, real estate brokers, or investors, the seller is required to sign a commercial service contract with WESALE Group Joint Stock Company to activate a partner account and use Use the utilities of the Wesale system.


Buyers (in some cases renters): are individuals and organizations that need to find out information about real estate products on Wesale and want to buy/rent. Buyers can use Wesale's features without registering for a member account. Buyers need to contact the seller directly through the contact method displayed on the ad to negotiate and transact directly.


Member: is a customer who has registered an account on the Wesale.vn website.


When you register as a member of Wesale, the member understands that:


 + Members can create their own personal account for use.


 + Members can use the features on the system according to the regulations in the Operating Regulations published on the Wesale system. However, usage features may be limited according to member account level.


The content of this Regulation complies with current regulations of Vietnamese law. Members participating in Wesale must learn about their legal responsibilities under current Vietnamese laws and commit to complying with the contents of Wesale's Regulations.


III. Transaction process


1. Process for Buyers:


After the buyer accesses the Wesale.vn website, the buyer follows the following process to receive advice and real estate transactions from the seller, specifically:


=> Buyers access the website: https://wesale.vn/.


=> After successful access, the buyer searches for suitable real estate products and contacts the seller to negotiate and transact directly.


 To search for real estate products, buyers choose one of the following two ways:


Method 1: Customers can search for real estate products by using the search/filter tool as shown below:


Method 2: Buyers can select a specific category on the navigation bar at the top of the website.


In case the buyer wants to search for a real estate project for investment purposes:

Step 1: Buyer clicks on "Project" on the navigation bar.


The system displays real estate projects whose sellers/suppliers are real estate distribution companies nationwide.


Step 2: The buyer clicks on the posting to see detailed information about the real estate project, the investor and how to contact the seller (that real estate distributor).


At the same time, buyers can scroll down to the bottom of the story, refer to the "Product table" section to see information about the types of products within the seller's project as well as the sales status of those products ( product codes are in stock, sold, held or not yet released).


Step 3: The buyer contacts the seller for specific advice and agreement on the real estate transaction.


To view the seller's sales policy, the buyer clicks the "Sales Policy" button on the posting interface. In this section, buyers can refer to the deposit method or the seller's payment policy and method.


If the buyer wants to see a model house within the project or register for a sitetour (visit the entire project area), the buyer clicks the button "Register to see a model house" or "Register for sitetour" on the introduction interface. product introduction.


Then, the buyer enters all of his information into the information registration form on the interface, including: Full name, phone number, email and notes about his request. The seller will follow that to contact the buyer directly, advising the buyer about his real estate project.


If the buyer wants to buy an apartment in the seller's project area, the buyer clicks the "Buy now" button on the navigation bar below the screen.


The interface will display a form to fill in contact information. The buyer enters full information about full name, phone number, email and request note (if any), then clicks "Send". The seller will contact the buyer directly and the two parties will directly negotiate the transaction with each other.


In case the buyer wants to rent/buy real estate:

Step 1: On the navigation bar at the top of the website, buyers select the "Buy and sell" section to view real estate and apartment rental/sale ads. Buyers can choose the types of real estate they want to rent/buy in the "Type" section.


Step 2: Buyers click on the post to see detailed information about the real estate from the seller.


Step 3: The buyer presses the "Contact Now" button to contact the seller and directly negotiate the real estate rental/purchase transaction. Buyers can directly contact the seller's phone number displayed on the interface or fill in their information in the form for the seller to contact.

2. Process for Sellers:


Process for posting real estate for sale:


To post real estate for sale, sellers follow the following process:


Step 1: Register/log in to your account.


Sellers need to log in to post real estate for sale. In case you do not have an account, the seller needs to register an account according to the following process:


 - On the Home page interface, the seller selects "Register now" in the Become a member section.


 - The system displays the Account Registration/Login interface. If you do not have an account, the seller clicks on "Register". Then, the seller enters the email, password and presses the create account button to complete the initial registration step (applicable to sellers who are individual individuals, wishing to post classified ads).


Note: In case the seller is a business distributing real estate projects, the seller needs to contact websale to become an official partner (Contact information: 0974.063.482 / info@wesale.vn ). After receiving information from the business, Wesale proposes to sign a posting service contract between the parties. At that time, the business must fully provide: Business registration certificate, documents related to real estate brokerage eligibility certificate...). Once the parties have completed the contract, we will give businesses an account to log in to wesale.vn to post news about their real estate projects.


Step 2: After successfully logging in to your account, the real estate information form is displayed on the interface. The seller selects "Real estate type", then completes all information about Address, Project (if any), Real estate information (area, price, legal documents), Number Room, Additional Description, Property Images and enter your contact information (Name+Phone Number+Email).


Step 3: The seller presses the "Save" button to send the post information to the Wesale floor administration board. The Management Board will check and approve the information within 24 hours. In case the posting is valid, the Management Board will publicly post the advertisement on the floor.


Posting management process

To manage your news list, sellers click on their account name in the top right-hand corner of the website.


 - The system displays the seller's account information management page. On the information column on the left side of the screen, the seller clicks on "List of listings".


 - The system displays the news you have posted and the approval status of the Wesale floor Administration Board.


 - In case the posting is in an unacceptable state, that is, waiting for approval, the seller, if needed, can edit the post and send it back to the Exchange Management Board for approval. The seller presses the "Edit" button, then edits the information as needed and presses the "Save" button.


3. Method of transportation and delivery (Method of service provision):


- Transportation service is provided


- There is an affiliated shipping unit


- Seller transports himself (or hires a shipping unit)


- Other: Seller and buyer agree on the transfer of real estate use rights


* Real estate product delivery method:


Due to the specific characteristics of this type of real estate product, we do not establish shipping and receiving methods. Sellers and buyers will discuss and agree on the location for transferring/leasing real estate use rights. The Wesale system only plays a role in connecting or resolving complaints and disputes between parties (if any). We do not interfere in the agreement and transaction process between the parties.


4. Order confirmation/cancellation process


 Confirmation or cancellation of real estate sales and rental transactions will be agreed upon directly by both the Seller/Lessor and the Buyer/Lease.


5. Return and refund policy


 The purchase/rental of real estate on the Wesale system is mutually agreed upon by the seller/renter and the buyer/renter. Therefore, if the buyer/renter has a complaint or concern about returning the product or requesting a refund, the buyer/renter needs to proactively make an agreement with the seller/renter.


 In case the buyer/renter cannot contact the seller/renter, the buyer/renter can contact the Wesale Management Board according to the contact information published on the website so we can assist in working with them. seller/renter.


6. Product warranty/maintenance process:


 Because the products on the Wesale system are real estate, the company does not have a warranty policy.


7. Dispute and complaint resolution process:


 When a dispute or complaint arises, Wesale encourages negotiation and mediation between the parties to reach consensus on a resolution plan. If the two parties cannot negotiate with each other and ask Wesale to resolve the case. Wesale's decision is final.


Contact point for dispute resolution:




Tax code: 0110375724

Head office: 9th Floor Diamond Flower Tower, 48 Le Van Luong, Nhan Chinh Ward, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi.


Phone number: 0974063482


Email: Info@uflymedia.com


Disputes or complaints will be received and handled by us in the following order:


Step 1: Wesale receives information about complaints and disputes.


Step 2: Wesale authenticates information.


Step 3: Wesale acts as a third party to mediate for members (if it is a dispute between Buyer and Seller), or negotiate with members (if it is a dispute between members and Wesale).


Step 4: Resolve the dispute through negotiation and conciliation if negotiation/conciliation is successful.


Step 5: If mediation fails, the dispute will be resolved at the competent People's Court. The court's decision is binding on the parties.




+ In case of a dispute between the seller and the buyer:


All parties must take a responsible role in actively solving the problem.


 Disputes related to quality, selling price, payment, transfer/lease of real estate will be the main responsibility of the seller to resolve with the buyer. Wesale is only responsible for acting as an intermediary to receive information from the buyer - transfer information to the seller, carry out mediation between the two parties and promote the process of resolving the case between the two parties.


 For sellers: it is necessary to provide documents to authenticate information related to the incident that is causing conflicts for the buyer. On Wesale's side, we will be responsible for providing information related to one member if requested by the other party.


 After the buyer and seller have resolved the dispute, the parties are responsible for reporting it to the Wesale Management Board. In case a conflict arises in the transaction and the fault lies with the seller: Wesale will take measures to warn, lock the account or transfer it to a competent law agency depending on the severity of the violation. The company will terminate and remove all news articles about that seller's real estate on the e-commerce platform Wesale.vn. At the same time, we will request the seller to compensate and reimburse the buyer satisfactorily.


 If through an agreement the conflict arising from the transaction between the buyer and the seller cannot be resolved, either party has the right to bring the case to a competent People's Court for resolution. .


 We - Wesale always respect and seriously implement the provisions of law on protecting the rights of buyers (consumers). All acts of fraud and fraud in business are condemned and must be fully responsible before the law.


+ In case of disputes arising between members (general users) and Wesale.


 Wesale has the greatest responsibility in resolving conflicts, reconciling, and ensuring members' benefits. If the conflict is determined to be Wesale's fault, the Website Administration Board will quickly come up with a solution to achieve the criteria set by the other party. On the contrary, if a conflict arises due to the member's error, Wesale will send a notice of correction or change in accordance with Wesale's regulations to end the conflict, and may apply warnings, block accounts, or even even terminate all of their transactions on Wesale if necessary.


 If the form of agreement does not achieve the desired results of both parties, one of the parties has the right to bring the case to be resolved at the competent People's Court.


 Wesale is committed to resolving all disputes and complaints on an objective basis, based on contractual agreements and legal regulations.


IV. Payment process


1. Payment between Buyer - Seller


Step 1: Buyers search and choose real estate products according to their needs.


Step 2: Buyers contact the seller directly at the phone number displayed in the "Contact now" button or leave their information on the website for the seller to contact for advice.


Step 3: Buyer and seller agree and transact real estate sales


Step 4: The buyer deposits/pays directly to the seller in the form of cash or bank transfer (agreed by the parties) according to the seller's sales policy.


2. Payment between Seller - Wesale website Management Board


Step 1: From the 5th to the 10th of every month, Wesale Management Board sends a check to the seller via registered email and a staff member contacts them for confirmation.


Step 2: The seller confirms the reconciliation by sending an email to: Infor@uflymedia.com.


Step 3: No later than the 15th of every month, the seller must pay the service fee as agreed with Wesale. Sellers can pay directly at the headquarters of WESALE Group Joint Stock Company (address: 9th Floor Diamond Flower Tower, 48 Le Van Luong, Nhan Chinh Ward, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi, Vietnam) or pay via bank transfer to the company (according to the contract appendix).


V. Ensure transaction safety


 Wesale wishes to become the leading intermediary portal connecting and providing online real estate information in Vietnam, creating conditions for parties with real estate needs to find information and connect with each other in a convenient way. best fit.


 Wesale always tries to protect the information posted on Wesale.vn as diverse and accurate as possible. Wesale will make maximum efforts and seriously remove information that is untruthful, inaccurate or/or has unhealthy or transparent implications.


 The real estate market is very rich and diverse; At the same time, information about real estate is constantly changed and updated along with the seller's subjective opinions when posting information describing their products and services. Therefore, Wesale, like other e-commerce trading floors, cannot completely guarantee the accuracy of the information and descriptions of the types of information posted on Wesale.


 Real estate information posted by Sellers on Wesale is not considered a substitute for any legal opinions, statements of businesses or experts or any state agency. Therefore, Wesale recommends that members and parties wishing to buy, sell, or rent real estate should research real estate information carefully before making their decisions. Hopefully Wesale will bring you the most useful information possible.


VI. Responsibility in case of technical problems


 When making transactions on the system, members must strictly follow the instructions.


 Wesale system management board commits to making efforts to ensure safety and stability for members participating in transactions. In case there are technical errors, software errors or other objective errors that result in members being unable to participate in transactions, members must notify the Wesale system management board via Hotline: 0974063482. We will fix it. Fix errors as soon as possible, creating conditions for members to join the Wesale system.


 However, the Wesale System Management Board will not be responsible for resolving the case in case the Members' notification does not reach the Management Board, arising from technical errors, transmission line errors, software errors or other errors. caused by the Management Board.


VII. Consumer Personal Information Protection Policy


Purpose and scope of collection


+ Purpose of collecting information:


 The Wesale website collects customer information to adjust the content of real estate for sale/rent ads that users post to suit the layout and content of the floor; Managing information for technical support and dispute resolution (if any), to respond to questions or fulfill other customer requests.


+ Scope of collection:


 For Sellers: Wesale collects information about: Full name; Address; phone number; email; tax code; date and place of issue; information about the seller's real estate and related legal documents


 For Buyers: Wesale collects the following information: Full name; phone number; email.


Scope of information use:

Wesale will use the personal information provided by Customers to perform the following tasks:


 - Support customers to answer all questions and concerns related to products that customers are interested in;


 - Provide information related to products and new offers/promotions for Customers if Customers sign up to receive email notifications;


 - Prevent activities that destroy Customer's user accounts or activities that impersonate members;


 - Contact and resolve with Customers in special cases.


 - Support the customer care system, manage customers, take care of and receive feedback from Wesale customers.


 - In case of legal requirements: Wesale is responsible for cooperating in providing members' personal information upon request from judicial agencies including: Procuracy, Court, Police Investigation Agency. related to any violation of the law by the Customer.


Third parties have the right to access Customer's personal information:

Wesale's business activities do not include selling Customer information to third parties. The Wesale website only provides Customer information to the parties listed below to ensure the Customer's rights according to Wesale's confidentiality commitments:


 - Partners who have signed a contract to perform part of the service for Ufly Real Estate Development & Communications Joint Stock Company (eg technical partners,...). These partners will receive information according to the contract agreement (possibly part or all of the information depending on the terms of the Contract) to support users in using the services provided by the Company.


 - State agencies upon request: WESALE Group Joint Stock Company provides user information to serve the investigation process of those agencies.


Information storage time:

 The member's personal data will be stored until cancellation is requested or the member logs in and makes the cancellation. In all other cases, member personal information will be kept confidential on Wesale's servers. The company has a server system capable of storing customer information for a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of 10 years. During operations, the company can improve information storage capabilities if necessary.


Address of the unit that collects and manages personal information:



Tax code: 0110375724


Head office: 9th Floor Diamond Flower Tower, 48 Le Van Luong, Nhan Chinh Ward, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi.


Phone number: 0974063482


Email: Info@uflymedia.com


Means and tools for users to access and edit their personal data:

 Users have access to self-check, update, correct or cancel their personal data by logging into their account on Wesale and editing personal information (for sellers). , or users can ask Wesale.vn to help do this.


Logging into Wesale can be done on computers, phones, or other tools that have the ability to access the website.


Committed to protecting customer personal information

 Wesale users' personal information is committed to confidentiality according to the personal information protection policy. The collection and use of user information is only carried out with the user's consent, unless otherwise prescribed by law or otherwise agreed upon. We commit that:


 - Do not use, transfer, provide or disclose to any third party the user's personal information without the user's consent for personal gain.


 - In case the information server is attacked by hackers leading to the loss of members' personal data, Wesale will be responsible for reporting the incident to the investigating authorities for timely handling and notification to the authorities. known to the user.


 - We require individuals when registering an account and using services on Wesale to provide all relevant personal information and are responsible for the accuracy, legality and update of the information. above. The company is not responsible nor will it resolve any complaints related to the user's rights if it deems that the personal information provided by that user is inaccurate.


 - Wesale will not be responsible in case personal information is leaked due to technical errors, transmission errors, software errors or other errors not caused by the company.


The website establishes a system to protect users' personal information through the following forms:


1. Set up a firewall system to prevent forms of network attacks;


2. The technical team and staff of the enterprise are constantly on duty to monitor all website activities. Ensure all attacks from all sides are detected promptly and preventive measures are taken.


3. Personal and private information of users will be stored according to the Company's regulations and strictly confidential according to the provisions of law.


Mechanism for receiving and resolving consumer complaints related to personal information being used for the wrong purpose or scope as notified:

 When consumers discover that their personal information on Wesale is being used for the wrong purpose or outside the scope of information use, consumers can submit a complaint to Real Estate Development & Communications Joint Stock Company. Ufly in the following ways:


Call hotline: 0974063482


Email your complaint to: Infor@uflymedia.com;


Send a written complaint by post or send it directly to the company headquarters, address: 9th Floor Diamond Flower Tower, 48 Le Van Luong, Nhan Chinh Ward, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi, Vietnam.


The time limit for the Company to process complaints related to customer personal information is 10 working days from the date of receiving the Customer's complaint.


In all cases, Wesale promotes negotiation and mediation with customers to reach agreement and come up with solutions to resolve and handle complaints.


In case the two parties do not reach the desired agreement, leading to unsuccessful negotiation or conciliation, either party has the right to bring the case to a competent people's court for resolution in accordance with the provisions of law.


VIII. Manage information on the website


❑ Automatic control mechanism

❑ Separate control mechanism

❑ There are regulations on posting information

❑ Other monitoring mechanisms

Manage and control Seller information:

+ For individual sellers:


Sellers can register an account to log in to the Wesale website for free. When registering for an account, individual sellers need to provide information about their full name, phone number, email and personal tax code.


In service postings, sellers also need to clearly provide their full name and contact phone number, as well as provide full information about the real estate they want to sell and legal documents. clearly, as a basis for the Wesale Board of Management to approve the seller's news.


+ For sellers who are distribution companies/investors of real estate projects: To become a partner and be granted the right to post news about their real estate project, sellers who are businesses need to contact Wesale to sign a service contract.


At the time the parties sign the service contract, the partner business needs to fully present the business registration certificate, real estate brokerage certificate of the company's head/broker and other employees. Legal documents of real estate projects.


Based on the validity of the above documents, the two parties agree to enter into a service contract. Wesale management board will issue sellers with official login accounts. Partner businesses can access this account and post information about their real estate projects.


Manage and control product information posted on the floor:

Regulations on posting real estate for sale/rent ads on Wesale.vn:

To be approved by Wesale's Management Board and allowed to post official news articles on the floor, sellers must ensure that their product introduction post includes all of the following information:


- Type of real estate


- Seller's address


- Project name (if any)


- Real estate information: Area, price, legal documents; Room number; Additional description; Imported real estate images


- Seller's contact information: Full name, Phone number, Email


In addition, sellers need to comply with the following regulations:


- Must post news in the correct category. Copyright of posted information belongs to the member who posted the message.

- Articles that violate the following will be edited, re-edited or deleted immediately without notice depending on the severity of the violation:


 + The article has content inconsistent with the category, violating the provisions of this regulation and the provisions of law;

 + The article is in Vietnamese without diacritics, or the article is all in CAPITAL letters, with too many special characters;

 + Duplicate articles in one or more categories;

 + The article uses vulgar words, or uses many intentionally misspelled words;

 + Articles with no content or content unrelated to the category; Posted in the wrong category. These posts will be deleted or moved to a category with more appropriate content.

 + Postings must have a specific contact address.

 + The article must be accompanied by an illustration photo and must clearly state the source of the photo, complying with the law on intellectual property and other laws.

 + The title must be specific, short, and easy to understand. Do not submit articles with titles that do not describe the content of the article or titles that are too long.

 + Do not send articles in Vietnamese without accents or with accents that are not clear.

 + It is allowed to send articles and news collected from other places but must clearly state the origin after obtaining the consent of the author of the article or news.


Prohibited conduct

- Do not take advantage of Wesale to propagate, promote, or solicit unhealthy content.

- Must use clear, clear, and correct spelling, and strictly prohibit all forms of ambiguous writing, abbreviations, and obscure language.

- It is not allowed to post for sale or leave signatures for advertising purposes or to attract buyers to other forums. If violated, we will lock the Seller's account without prior notice. If you do it intentionally, your account will be permanently locked.

- In addition to the above content, when participating in posting information on Wesale, members must not perform the following activities:


 + Advertising that reveals state secrets, harms national independence, sovereignty, security and defense.

 + Advertising lacks aesthetics and is contrary to Vietnamese historical traditions, culture, ethics, and fine customs.

 + Advertising affects urban beauty, traffic order and safety, and social safety.

 + Advertising that adversely affects the dignity of the National Flag, National Emblem, National Anthem, Party flag, national heroes, cultural celebrities, leaders, Party and State leaders.

 + Advertisements that are discriminatory against ethnicity, racism, infringing on freedom of belief and religion, gender stereotypes, and people with disabilities.

 + Advertising that offends the reputation, honor, and dignity of organizations and individuals

 + Advertisements that use images, words, or writing of an individual without that individual's consent, unless permitted by law.

 + Advertising incorrectly or causing confusion about your business capabilities and ability to provide products and services; about the quantity, quality, price and legal information of the real estate products/projects we are providing.

 + Advertising using the direct comparison method of price and quality.

 + Advertisements that use the words "first", "only", "best", "number one" or words with similar meanings without legal documents to prove them according to regulations of the Ministry of Culture Chemistry, Sports and Tourism.

 + Advertisements containing unfair competition content according to competition laws.

 + Advertising violates intellectual property laws.

 + Advertising causes children to have thoughts, words, and actions that are contrary to morals, customs, and traditions, causing adverse effects on children's health, safety, or normal development.


List of products banned from trading in the Wesale system

- Hunting guns and hunting bullets, sporting weapons, support tools;


- Cigarettes, cigars and other forms of finished tobacco products;


- Wine of all kinds;


- Military weapons, equipment, techniques, specialized military and police equipment, military equipment (including badges, insignia, military insignia of the army and police), military equipment for armed forces; components, parts, spare parts, supplies and specialized equipment, specialized technology for manufacturing them;


- Relics, antiquities, national treasures belonging to historical and cultural relics and scenic spots, owned by the entire people, owned by political organizations, socio-political organizations;


- Narcotics;


- Schedule 1 chemicals (according to international conventions);


- Cultural products that are reactionary, depraved, superstitious or harmful to aesthetic and personality education;


- Fireworks, explosives, and dangerous explosives as prescribed by law;


- Dangerous toys, toys harmful to children's personality education and health or to social security, order and safety (including electronic game programs);


- Veterinary drugs and plant protection drugs are banned or not yet allowed to be used in Vietnam according to the provisions of the Ordinance on Veterinary Medicine and the Ordinance on Plant Protection and Quarantine;

- Wild plants and animals (including live animals and their parts processed) on the list of international treaties to which Vietnam is a member and rare and precious plants and animals on the list of prohibited exploitation and use;


- Aquatic products banned from exploitation, aquatic products with toxic residues exceeding the allowable limit, aquatic products with natural toxins that endanger human life;


- Fertilizers are not on the list of permitted production, business and use in Vietnam;


- Plant varieties that are not on the list of permitted production and business; Plant varieties that are harmful to production, human health, the environment, and the ecosystem;


- Livestock breeds are not on the list of permitted production and business; livestock breeds that are harmful to human health, livestock genetic resources, the environment, and the ecosystem;


- Special and toxic minerals;


- Imported scrap causes environmental pollution;


- Human medicines, vaccines, medical biological products, cosmetics, chemicals and insecticidal and antibacterial preparations in the household and medical fields are not allowed to be used in Vietnam. ;


- Types of medical equipment not yet allowed to be used in Vietnam;


- Medical cosmetics that have not been declared to competent authorities;


- Food additives, food processing aids, micronutrients, functional foods, high-risk foods, foods preserved by irradiation, foods with altered genes permitted by a competent state agency;


- Buying and selling vehicles without or lost documents (Note that when buying and selling vehicles, there must be a third party to certify the documents);


- Products and materials containing asbestos belong to the amphibole group.


- Goods that do not meet legal regulations on goods labeling.


- Other goods and services prohibited or restricted from business according to current laws


This list will be updated when there are changes to Vietnamese law or feedback from the community.


Wesale System Management Board's mechanism for reviewing and controlling information about posting ads for sale/rent for posting information on the website

Step 1: The seller posts images, content, and information of the real estate to Wesale according to the regulations and criteria according to the instructions on the website interface. Then, click the "Save" button to send the message to the Website Management Board for censorship.


Step 2: The Seller's images, content, and real estate information will be censored by the Wesale website management board before officially posting on the website. Control and approval take place within 24 hours from the time the Seller sends the message. The website management board only allows postings that meet the prescribed standards to be displayed.


Step 3: If the images, content, and real estate information do not violate general regulations, do not violate Wesale's keywords, product information posting criteria, and do not violate legal regulations, Wesale's content management department will accept "Browse news" and export information. At that time, the seller's news story will be officially posted on the Wesale website.

If the content and information about real estate violates Wesale's general regulations and/or violates the law, the Management Board will request the seller to edit the information and send it to the seller. to the Management Board for review.


If after resubmitting the information still violates Wesale's general regulations and/or violates the law, Wesale website management has the full right to remove that content and not post it on the website. time to send notice to the seller.


Wesale website management reserves the right to decide whether to retain or remove information posted on this system without prior notice.


Process for coordinating with intellectual property rights holders to review and remove products infringing intellectual property rights on the system:

Wesale e-commerce trading floor always upholds the intellectual property rights of all individuals, organizations and businesses. Therefore, when noticing any news articles showing signs of intellectual property rights infringement, users please immediately contact the Website Management Board via hotline: 0974063482 or send an email to: Infor@uflymedia. com.


After receiving the user's feedback about the violation, we will contact the user within 3 working hours to verify the information and evidence proving the violation. On the other hand, Wesale System Management Board personnel will contact the intellectual property rights holder to verify and compare product information with the object registered by the rights holder. If, after verifying that there is an infringement of intellectual property rights, Wesale website management will immediately remove the real estate news article without having to notify the Seller (the party committing the act) in advance. violate). On the other hand, the seller's account will also be warned for the first time, temporarily locked within 15 days and the seller must compensate for damages to WESALE Group Joint Stock Company as well as the owner. intellectual property (if the Seller's infringement of intellectual property rights causes damage). If the intellectual property rights infringement continues, the seller's account on Wesale will be permanently locked.



In case the seller's news articles violate the regulations on posting news, Wesale's Management Board will have sanctions as follows:


- In case the news articles are not suitable for the specified category, the Management Board will send a notice to the Seller or delete the news or move the news article to another appropriate category according to Wesale's regulations.


It should be noted that Wesale has the right to decide whether to retain or remove news articles posted on Wesale without prior notice.


- Sellers who violate the regulations on posting information in the list of products banned from trading or/and advertising on Wesale will have their Seller account deleted and will not be allowed to post on Wesale, and will be responsible for themselves. Legal responsibility for violations of current Vietnamese law.


- In case the Seller violates Wesale's operating regulations resulting in damage to the system or WESALE Group Joint Stock Company, the Management Board will request the Seller to compensate for the damages according to documents and evidence. valid proof.

IX. Rights and responsibilities of Wesale.vn website management board


1. Rights of Wesale website management board


We have the full right to change or modify, add or remove the Terms of Use of Services by updating Wesale. Amendments to the terms of service use will be notified to members at the email address the member has provided before being updated on the Wesale website.


The website administrator has the full right to edit, re-edit or delete infringing information based on the specific level without needing to explain the reason and without prior notice. If the offender repeats the violation, the violating information as well as the member account will be deleted or disciplined according to regulations.


Wesale may terminate or temporarily block a member's access to all or any of Wesale's utilities without notifying the member when Wesale.vn has grounds to believe that the member violates the Terms of Service. Conduct activities that either violate any policies or guidelines that Wesale has issued, or take other actions that we believe are harmful to Wesale or other users.


Wesale may immediately terminate a member's right to use the service and membership if Wesale discovers that the member has gone bankrupt, been convicted or is serving a sentence. In case the member continues to operate, it may causing Wesale legal liability such as fraudulent activities, counterfeiting, causing market disruption, causing disunity with other Wesale members, and activities that violate current Vietnamese laws. In case of termination of membership rights and the right to use the service, all certificates and member rights granted will automatically be invalid and terminated.


Wesale holds the copyright to use services and content on the Wesale Exchange in accordance with the provisions of law on intellectual property protection in Vietnam. All icons and content in different languages ​​are owned by Wesale. Any illegal copying, use and dissemination of the above property rights is strictly prohibited.


Wesale reserves the right to change the table, service price list and payment method during the time of providing services to members according to Wesale's needs and conditions and will notify members in advance of one (01) ) month.


2. Obligations and responsibilities of Wesale.vn website Management Board


Wesale wants to create conditions for real estate sellers or renters in general to come together and find the most suitable customers for their properties.


We always try to keep the information posted on the Wesale site as rich and accurate as possible. With the desire to build an information channel connecting sellers and buyers in the fastest and most effective way, we will make maximum efforts and seriously eliminate dishonest information or fake goods as follows:


+ Remove information about selling other goods and services not related to real estate, goods or services on the list of goods and services banned from business and goods with restricted business according to regulations. under the law.


+ Remove real estate sales/rental information that has unclear, inaccurate legal information or violates intellectual property rights.


Because the real estate market is very rich and diverse, we, like other media such as newspapers, cannot completely guarantee the accuracy of the information, as well as the description of the types of property. Posted on Wesale. Furthermore, sellers can be subjective when describing their products.

The management board is obliged to receive feedback from users, buyers, and sellers.


Information on Wesale should not be considered a substitute for legal opinions, statements of businesses or experts. Therefore, we recommend that customers find out information carefully before making their decisions. Hopefully Wesale will bring you the best information possible.


Transactions between buyers and sellers are completely independent transactions and individuals are responsible for their own actions. We do not participate in any transaction process of the parties. Wesale is just an information bridge for two trading parties to meet.


Wesale will conduct promotional activities and advertise to foreign markets within the allowed scope and conditions, contributing to expanding and connecting to meet the needs of finding customers and developing foreign markets of the company. members participating in the Wesale Exchange.


Wesale will try to the highest extent possible within the scope and conditions to maintain the normal operation of Wesale and fix problems such as: technical problems with machines, software errors, internet connection system. , personnel, social upheavals, natural disasters, power outages, decisions of state agencies or a third related organization. However, if the above incidents occur beyond our control and are force majeure cases that cause damage to members, Wesale will not be jointly responsible.

X. Rights and responsibilities of Members on Wesale.vn website


1. Rights of Members on the Wesale website


- Members with accounts on Wesale have the right to use all services/utilities provided on the website according to assigned functions and powers.


- Members will be guided by Wesale staff on how to use tools and features for purchasing or posting ads and using convenient services on Wesale.


- Members have the right to request support from the Management Board when encountering technical problems when using posting, searching services... on Wesale.


- Members have the right to send feedback and questions about service quality to the Exchange Management Board.


- Members enjoy preferential policies provided by Wesale Exchange or third parties on the Wesale website. These policies are posted directly or emailed to each Wesale member.


2. Obligations and responsibilities of Members on Wesale.vn website


- Members will be solely responsible for the security, storage and use of all services under their registered name, password and email.


- Members are responsible for promptly notifying Wesale of unauthorized use, abuse, security violations, and storing their registration name and password so that both parties can cooperate in handling it.


- Members commit that the information provided to Wesale and the information being uploaded to Wesale is accurate.


- Members are solely responsible for the content and images of Business information and other information as well as the entire transaction process with partners on the Wesale Exchange.

- Members must provide a full Business License and other relevant documents proving that they are eligible to do business. Real estate brokerage according to Wesale's regulations and current legal regulations.


- Members must promptly contact Wesale in case of changes in information related to the organization/business/individual.


- Members are responsible for coordinating with Wesale in resolving disputes between parties related to real estate transactions originating from Wesale, and are responsible for providing information about transactions to support Wesale. in resolving those disputes.


- Members are responsible for compensating damages to related parties if it is proven that the fault belongs to the Member.


- Members are responsible for paying the membership fee in full and on time to the Wesale Management Board according to the signed service contract.


- Members comply with the sanctions (sanctions) of the Management Board for their violations.


- Members are responsible for providing information about their business situation when requested by a competent state agency to serve e-commerce statistical activities.


- Members commit and agree not to use Wesale's services for purposes that are illegal, unreasonable, fraudulent, threatening, illegally probing information, sabotaging, creating and spreading viruses. causing damage to the system, configuration, transmission of information of Wesale or using its services for speculative purposes, manipulating the market to create fake orders and offers, including serving for judgment purposes. predict market needs. In case of violation, members must be responsible for their actions before the law.


- Members commit not to change, edit, copy, propagate, distribute, provide and create similar tools of the service provided by Wesale to a third party without the consent of the member. Wesale in these Regulations.


- Members are not allowed to act to discredit Wesale in any form, such as causing disunity among members by using a second registered name, through a third party or propagandizing or disseminating information. News that is not beneficial to Wesale's reputation


- Members are responsible for complying with the provisions of law on payment, advertising, promotion, protection of intellectual property rights, protection of consumer rights and other relevant provisions of law when Post real estate for sale/rent on Wesale.


XI. Terms apply


Wesale's Regulations officially take effect from the date of signing the Decision issued together with these Regulations. Wesale has the right to change the Regulations by notifying members on the Wesale website. The amended Regulations take effect from the date the Decision on amending the Regulations takes effect. Members' continued use of the service after the revised Regulations are announced and implemented means they have accepted this revised Regulations.


Operational regulations will be continuously updated and supplemented by Wesale according to actual operations, according to current legal regulations and will be publicly announced 07 (seven) days in advance on the website before official application. Members participating in Wesale are responsible for complying with current regulations when transacting on the system.


XII. Terms of commitment


All members participating in transactions on Wesale commit to agree to implement and comply with the content of these Regulations.


If you have any questions from customers/partners, please contact the Wesale System Management Board using the information below for answers:


Official contact address:


Website providing e-commerce services Wesale.vn


Address: 9th Floor Diamond Flower Tower, 48 Le Van Luong, Nhan Chinh Ward, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Tel: 0974063482

Email: Info@uflymedia.com



General manager


