Information security policy

Purpose and scope of collection

+ Purpose of collecting information:


Website collects customer information to adjust the content of real estate for sale/rent ads that users post to suit the layout and content of the floor; Managing information for technical support and dispute resolution (if any), to respond to questions or fulfill other customer requests.


+ Scope of collection:


For Sellers: Wesale collects information about: Full name; Address; phone number; email; tax code; date and place of issue; information about the seller's real estate and related legal documents


For Buyers: Wesale collects the following information: Full name; phone number; email.


Scope of information use:


Wesale will use the personal information provided by Customers to perform the following tasks:


+ Support customers to answer all questions and concerns related to products that customers are interested in;


+ Provide information related to products and new offers/promotions for Customers if Customers sign up to receive email notifications;


+ Prevent activities that destroy Customer's user accounts or activities that impersonate members;


+ Contact and resolve with Customers in special cases.


+ Support the customer care system, manage customers, take care of and receive feedback from Wesale customers.


+ In case of legal requirements: Wesale is responsible for cooperating in providing members' personal information upon request from judicial agencies including: Procuracy, Court, Police Investigation Agency. related to any violation of the law by the Customer.


Third parties have the right to access Customer's personal information:


Wesale's business activities do not include selling Customer information to third parties. Website only provides Customer information to the parties listed below to ensure the interests of Customers according to Wesale's confidentiality commitments:


+ Partners who have signed a contract to perform part of the service for WESALE Group Joint Stock Company (eg technical partners,...). These partners will receive information according to the contract agreement (possibly part or all of the information depending on the terms of the Contract) to support users in using the services provided by the Company.


+ State agencies upon request: WESALE Group Joint Stock Company provides user information to serve the investigation process of those agencies.


Information storage time:


The member's personal data will be stored until cancellation is requested or the member logs in and makes the cancellation. In all other cases, member personal information will be kept confidential on Wesale's servers. The company has a server system capable of storing customer information for a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of 10 years. During operations, the company can improve information storage capabilities if necessary.


Address of the unit that collects and manages personal information:


Name of unit: WESALE Group Joint Stock Company


Tax code: 0110375724


Head office: 9th Floor Diamond Flower Tower, 48 Le Van Luong, Nhan Chinh Ward, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi, Vietnam.


Phone number: 0974063482




Means and tools for users to access and edit their personal data:


Users have the right to access to self-check, update, correct or cancel their personal data by logging into their account on and editing personal information (for users). sale), or users can ask to help do this.


Logging into can be done on computers, phones, or other tools that have the ability to access the website.


Committed to protecting customer personal information


Wesale users' personal information is committed to confidentiality according to the personal information protection policy. The collection and use of user information is only carried out with the user's consent, unless otherwise prescribed by law or otherwise agreed upon. We commit that:


• Do not use, transfer, provide or disclose to any third party the user's personal information without the user's consent for personal gain.


• In case the information server is attacked by hackers resulting in the loss of members' personal data, Wesale will be responsible for reporting the incident to the investigating authorities for timely handling and notification to the authorities. known to the user.


• We require individuals when registering an account and using services on Wesale to provide all relevant personal information and are responsible for the accuracy, legality and update of the information. above. The company is not responsible nor will it resolve any complaints related to the user's rights if it deems that the personal information provided by that user is inaccurate.


• Wesale will not be responsible in case personal information is leaked due to technical errors, transmission errors, software errors or other errors not caused by the company.


The website establishes a system to protect users' personal information through the following forms:


1. Set up a firewall system to prevent forms of network attacks;


2. The enterprise's technical team and staff are constantly on duty to monitor all website activities. Ensure all attacks from all sides are detected promptly and preventive measures are taken.


3. Personal and private information of users will be stored according to the Company's regulations and strictly confidential according to the provisions of law.


Mechanism for receiving and resolving consumer complaints related to personal information being used for the wrong purpose or scope as notified:


When consumers discover that their personal information on is being used for the wrong purpose or outside the scope of information use, consumers can submit a complaint to WESALE Group Joint Stock Company in the following ways: following formula:


- Call hotline: 0974063482


- Email your complaint to:;


- Send a written complaint by post or send it directly to the company headquarters, address: 9th Floor Diamond Flower Tower, 48 Le Van Luong, Nhan Chinh Ward, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi, Vietnam.


The time limit for the Company to process complaints related to customer personal information is 10 working days from the date of receiving the Customer's complaint.


In all cases, Wesale promotes negotiation and mediation with customers to reach agreement and come up with solutions to resolve and handle complaints.


In case the two parties do not reach the desired agreement, leading to unsuccessful negotiation or conciliation, either party has the right to bring the case to a competent people's court for resolution in accordance with the provisions of law. .
